From appetisers to desserts, a “tomato red” Christmas by “Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe” is served up for Japanese diners

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Perfect Christmas dishes create a festive atmosphere and bring pleasure to the whole family. Pulp or peeled, fresh or dried, canned tomatoes are among the most versatile and widely used foods in the world and a precious ingredient in holiday recipes whether for soups and sauces, or even desserts and ice creams. There are hundreds of varieties, each with their own characteristics of flavour, sweetness, acidity, colour and texture. At Christmas, the fresh flavour of tomatoes is a must, and you can let your imagination fly with intriguing combinations, adding spices and herbs. Tomatoes can be used in delicious appetizers, salads, with pasta, rice, to prepare rich side dishes, and even in desserts to finish holiday meals in style. The festive menu proposed by “Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe” is tasty and good for you. And so, off to the kitchen to cook up a storm with this delicious menu, and our wishes for a Merry Christmas!

AppetiserStuffed tomatoes – Red Gold Tomatoes From Europe

First courseRicotta gnocchi with zucchini and tomato sauce – Red Gold Tomatoes From Europe

MainTurkey roulades in tomato sauce – Red Gold Tomatoes From Europe

DessertMini tomato ricotta cheesecakes – Red Gold Tomatoes From Europe

For more information about Red Gold from Europe, visit our website or follow our social media accounts:





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SOURCE Red Gold from Europe

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